Start small

Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle? Sustainability takes forever and that’s the pointWillem McDonough We decided to visit Muscat a couple of months before we relocated, sort of like a recce of the place we were going to adopt. We landed at the old airport, which had…… Continue reading Start small

All about bugs, bites, and travels

What countries do you want to visit? There’s no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this. I procured my passport a few years after I got married. Until then, I hadn’t traveled the world and had found no reason to want to make the arrangements to do so. My first international…… Continue reading All about bugs, bites, and travels

The hot cuppa satisfaction!

Describe your dream chocolate bar. I think it was on day 3 of our trek going up to EBC that we reached Namche Bazaar. Namche Bazaar is one of the acclimatization stops and the start of the real trekking routes into the Himalayas. It is considered the last ‘civilized’ stop on the route. We had…… Continue reading The hot cuppa satisfaction!


Write about a few of your favorite family traditions. I’m from the Indian subcontinent. So lots of festivals and traditions. Again, a tiny back story – we are a family of 6. Mum and dad and four girls with the widest gap being ten years. My older siblings have a slightly different memory of my…… Continue reading 26/01/24

Daily Prompts

Daily writing promptWhat is the greatest gift someone could give you?View all responses The greatest gift someone could give me is their complete attention. This requires them to stop what they are doing and focus on what I am doing, or saying. In today’s ‘Insta-World’ no one seems to be able to tear their eyes…… Continue reading Daily Prompts