I started Just a Little More as a resource to find just that little bit more – in terms of inspiration and enthusiasm and happiness. These are my experiences and views based off of these experiments. I hope you find answers to your queries here. If there is a variation you require an answer to, post me a query and I will try my best to help you.

This time around, Just a little more features:

Changes – a few.

Modifications – negligible.

Highlights- noteworthy.

Look around. If you find something that calls to you, leave me a comment. Or two!

We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are”

Anais Nin

Jean genes

If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be? When I was in Grade 10, my uncle visited India and he brought down a few hand-me-downs from cousins living closer to him. In that collection was a pair of levis, from the men’s collection, but we didn’t know…


How important is spirituality in your life? In any of the towns in south India, you will find that the residents typically wake up early and the first order of business is cleaning the front yard and creating the Rangoli. Mum always had a maid, hired to come in at 6 am (that was the…

Time out

How do you practice self-care? When the kid was born, I was over the moon. Excited was an understatement and exhausted was the highlight. But I coped. I had never interacted with any other kid in the family, so I had no idea what was required to be done. The paternity leave got over faster…