Total recall

What’s your favorite thing about yourself? I’m an elephant- in the crazy kind of things, I seem to remember from when I was a kid. Is it exceptional, I have no idea, because I honestly cannot remember my email passwords and usually spend a lot of time resetting these at regular intervals. I know that…… Continue reading Total recall

A little more

How do you want to retire? I’m a WFH-SAHM, and I don’t know if I can retire. I wake up super early to ensure kids are set to leave from home to school on time, pack lunch, and keep shoes and bottles out so nothing is missed. Dust and make beds, prep breakfast, ensure there…… Continue reading A little more

Mamma said

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily? Metaphors. I’ve been raised with quite a few, here are the two I used on my kids and their counters to mine. A progressive generation- these kids. I never had a comeback for Mum’s metaphors. I dared never to have one. But, this new…… Continue reading Mamma said

Walk of shame

What notable things happened today? A typical school morning for me involves me knocking and at times banging on the bathroom door trying to hustle the boy out in time to board the bus. Today, I jumped a level. In retrospect, it’s super hilarious, but I was super ticked off, while it happened. So, picture…… Continue reading Walk of shame

Hazy, crazy days of summer

What is your favorite season of year? Why? I remember standing on the terrace, guarding the blue plastic sheet with the tiny Vadams left to dry in the sun. It must’ve been around 3:45 pm, the sun was hot, but its intensity was dying down. A faint wind picked up. It was towards the end…… Continue reading Hazy, crazy days of summer

Aut inveniam viam aut faciam

If humans had taglines, what would yours be? I cannot give up. If I have taken on a responsibility, then I try to do my best to be successful at it. Taking care of my younger sibling proved to me that there was always a way to make things happen. I just had to persevere…… Continue reading Aut inveniam viam aut faciam

The good life

What are the most important things needed to live a good life? A good life is a collection of happy memories. Denis Waitley Summer vacations in my hometown in the late 1980s and the early 1990s were filled with memories of frequent power cuts. We used to spend as much of the daylight as we…… Continue reading The good life

The good life

What are the most important things needed to live a good life? A good life is a collection of happy memories. Denis Waitley Summer vacations in my hometown in the late 1980s and the early 1990s were filled with memories of frequent power cuts. We used to spend as much of the daylight as we…… Continue reading The good life

The hot cuppa satisfaction!

Describe your dream chocolate bar. I think it was on day 3 of our trek going up to EBC that we reached Namche Bazaar. Namche Bazaar is one of the acclimatization stops and the start of the real trekking routes into the Himalayas. It is considered the last ‘civilized’ stop on the route. We had…… Continue reading The hot cuppa satisfaction!

Never-ending tales

Do you remember your favorite book from childhood? The first series of books we had at home was the Amar Chitra Kathas. ACK is an Indian publication and they used to print comics based on Indian Mythologies, so they had the entire series of stories from Ramayana and Mahabharatha and stories of national heroes and…… Continue reading Never-ending tales