
Bloganuary writing promptWhat is your favorite animal?View all responses In the wild, it would be any of the Apex Predators, Tigers and Leopards from the Jungles of India; Lions and Cheetahs from the Savannahs of Africa; Orcas, Polar Bears from the Polar regions, Whales (more for their size and interpersonal communications); the Giganatosaurus and Tyrannosaurus…… Continue reading 15/01/24


Daily writing promptWhat snack would you eat right now?View all responses Snacks! That’s the first question this morning, really?! I don’t relish thinking about what I like to munch on, when I should really be spending that time finishing my work. However, now that I am thinking about what I would like to munch on,…… Continue reading 12/01/24


Daily writing promptDescribe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?View all responses This is funny, there were two things I was super attached to, one would be my ‘slang book’ from high school and the other would be a steel ‘kada’ similar to the ones worn by Sikhs.…… Continue reading 10/01/24


Daily writing promptWhat is your mission?View all responses My mission is to create a village of like-minded nomads who are willing to help and pass it forward. I have a few experiences that have taught me interesting lessons, and there is more I am learning either directly as a consequence of something I’ve done, or…… Continue reading 09/01/24


Daily writing promptWhat are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?View all responses I don’t want to live a long life. I cannot imagine what that is going to look like, probably because my parents and In-laws passed away between their 65th and 75th birthdays. I am happy with what ever…… Continue reading 08/01/24


Daily writing promptWhat could you do differently?View all responses I would ‘let-go’ more often. Everything. The material and relationships, I would give everyone the freedom to do as they pleased. I do it now and I have realized that sometimes, all someone wants is the freedom to make mistakes at their own pace to realize…… Continue reading 07/01/24


Daily writing promptWhat are your biggest challenges?View all responses Procrastination, prioritization, time management. Procrastination. When I think about it, these three are interrelated and top the list. I really need to just sit down and do what I need to do, but I end up pushing things I want to focus on, almost to the…… Continue reading 06-01-24

Daily Prompts

Daily writing promptWhat is the greatest gift someone could give you?View all responses The greatest gift someone could give me is their complete attention. This requires them to stop what they are doing and focus on what I am doing, or saying. In today’s ‘Insta-World’ no one seems to be able to tear their eyes…… Continue reading Daily Prompts