Nerd Alert

Welcome to our unique space for stories. These could be works of fiction or facts based on lessons learnt through experience. Please note that some part of the information in this section could be a ‘word-of-mouth’ piece, which means that there may not be a ‘scientific’ reasoning for it. You have the option to accept them, or just read them as you would a piece of fiction. At no point in this section am I asking you to follow my suggestions. That would be based on what you would want to achieve for yourself. Then there are stories created for entertainment. These are created by some young readers I know and curated by me.

While feedback is something the creative team craves, kindly note that we would like you to be responsible users and review the stories with honest feedback. You are entitled to ‘not’ like a particular piece, but that will not mean that you can diss the writer or put forth a personal attack. Every creative person, goes through the process of creativity through numerous steps and stumbling blocks. It is my request to give them that freedom to express and learn from the exercise.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

~ Unkown ~