Such a simple word.

What sacrifices have you made in life?

Sacrifice is defined as giving up something of value for the sake of other considerations. This definition sets huge expectations. One of the examples of sacrifice is the one made by Jesus, or slaughtering an animal which I am not! By this definition, I have not made any sacrifices.

When I was just a little girl, my mum made me join Gymnastics. At that time, no one mentioned that the timings during vacations and holidays differed from those on regular days. Summer vacations had classes scheduled in the mornings and evenings, 4-hour mornings starting at 6 am, and evening classes starting an hour earlier and possibly ending an hour later. The resulting days were spent in exhausted stupor thus marking the end of lazy summer vacations. The first week Mum was a bit worried watching how I slept through the day, but eventually, the body adjusted to the trauma of so much exercise. Mum was most thrilled because I had no energy to get into trouble, she used to watch me in silent humor as I would drag my unwilling body around the room trying to complete the holiday homework. The FOMO that the gym created was unbelievable. No matter how exhausted I was, I would be willing to go back for the classes. Two months of early morning and late evening exercises – followed by consistent regular practice during other days. I sacrificed my sleep time, my free time, and the weekends. But I gained an enviable 6 pack and sinewy muscle through my teens. I had no idea about puppy fat or body shape-related issues because regular exercise kept me lean and mean.

Jump to a few years later, when we moved far away from the gym and I had to sacrifice the gym so we could live in a slightly bigger house. I adopted Tara and replaced exercising at the gym with walking and training Tara. At some point, Tara became a mama, and Tara and her pups, seven in all became my world. Again the first few weeks were traumatic for me, while I spent time alternating with my younger sibling to ensure that Tara did not sleep on the pups. We took turns to wake up every 4 hours to sit with her while she fed the pups. I sacrificed college, regular sleep, TV time- catching up on MTV or Channel V, and eventually, the trousers I wore to take care of the pups at that point in time. But the reward was watching the tiny rug rats rolling all over the floor. Every time they finished their feed and rolled around unsteadily on their tiny feet trying to master the art of balancing on them was hilarious. Eventually, they grew up enough for their sendoff to their new homes.

Then there was the time when I got married. At this point, Dad knew how I liked my coffee, Mum knew what I liked to eat and my younger sibling, with whom I shared my room figured out it was easier to get ready after me. I remember getting up around 6 am to a fresh steaming cup of filter coffee. The dogs would wait for me to finish my coffee and then would come in for a cuddle. Dad would talk only after I was done with the coffee. Depending on the vegetables available (I was a super fussy eater) dishes would be created and the lunch box would be packed. It usually took me an hour, but I would get ready for college /work and only when I was ready, would my younger sibling wake up to start the day. The remote was handed to me when I returned and a fresh cup of coffee would be ready on the table. I was spoilt and had it good and I had absolutely no idea. Everything was set the way I liked it. Then I met, fell in love, and got married. Talk about reinventing the wheel, I had to start all over again. But this time, I had to do it for myself. I sacrificed the comfort and luxuries of my parents’ home, to re-establish everything for myself. But, this time, I had to do the work myself. There was no ready steaming cup of coffee. There was no lunch box. I had no idea how to cook, so there was no food either. They say love conquers all. It’s been a while, and a lot of consistent hard work but now, things are the way I want them to be. I still miss Dad’s coffee and the ready-packed lunch boxes. But I make sure the kids have decent food to eat and their preferred tepid coffee in the morning. Just the way they like it. But I do make a mean chai and good hot filter coffee. Some sacrifices are worth it. Especially if they make you independent and just that much more confident. 

 But, if you ask me again about the sacrifices I have made in life, I only think of the definition of the word, as mentioned earlier. The song playing when I think of the definition is, “I’m a Survivor. I’m Gonna Make It…” by Beyonce ( I heard it first in her voice). But, the changes I made in my life to sustain the choices I opted for whether it was to learn gymnastics, spend time with Tara, or get married to the love of my life. It was never a hardship, so I don’t consider it a sacrifice. I did not mind making those changes to my life. And “I’m a Survivor..” Is not my background score. That would be a remixed combination of, “Que Sera Sera” and “Insatiable”.  Go figure. 


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