Sleeping on the job.

What’s a job you would like to do for just one day?

I wake up in 7 hours, irrespective of where I am or what I have done through the day, 7 hours, and my eyes pop open. That is all I can sleep. And sometimes I feel that I could maybe sleep a little more if the mattress was more suited to my requirements. This got me thinking about how mattress companies test their mattresses, and I would like to be this tester for a day.

As a professional sleeper or a bed tester, I would have to test the bed and bedding during the development phase, which means, I get to have a say on the product. Just testing the mattress would be insufficient, because with the mattress you require the perfect pillow, and the perfect blanket and sheets.

I spent most of the night tossing and turning in various directions and on occasion may have kicked the spouse as well. So, comfort being a priority and quality of sleep a close second, I would be the ideal mattress tester, for if I last the entire night, in the many positions, then my review won’t be just clear, it will also be honest making for an extremely successful quality check. Assessing pressure points, motion transfer, and overall comfort, can happen overnight, and often all it takes is a couple of hours to figure out if the mattress is going to be a pain in the neck or a haven to rest and recuperate.

As is obvious, I am still looking for the haven, the perfect cocoon that I can be enveloped in, so I emerge every morning like a beautiful butterfly. But all I have is a pain in the neck mattress, that alternates the pressure points and either it’s a crick or a back spasm. Then there are the nights when I sleep and wake up from the same position and that’s no thanks to the mattress and all thanks to the endless activities of the day. Special thanks to the kids for those days. They kill me, but I’m too dead to feel the mattress and that works as well.

Now, the realistic situation would be to combine this mattress research with identifying the perfect Netflix show. Binge-watching in bed is something I’ve often tried and given up after an hour. Either the series is too boring, or the mattress is too exhausting. Exhausting because, I can feel the start of the spasm as it works its way around my spine and I just pop out of bed, so even if the series is interesting, I get off, because I can’t lay there anymore.  

The challenge here would be the detailed report-making and specifying what you don’t like about the mattress. The biggest task would be to create reports based on the functionality and enjoyment of bed products and identify the cause of a bad review. The typical responsibilities include studying sleep patterns, reviewing sleep effects on the body, testing sleep aids, analyzing sleep-related products, testing the bed for luxury hotels and suppliers, reviewing muscle movements through sleep, sleeping for long periods, and assessing programs for mattresses that use technology, and evaluating a mattress for medical treatment are the kinds of details this job requires. So having the ability to first capture and then effectively communicate these details is of utmost importance. This review is what makes the mattress worth recommending or abandoning.

Considering I am going to spend almost a third of my life in bed, I would rather find one that’s best suited to me. The imagery of sleeping in the clouds on a mattress that’s tall enough to feel like it’s in the clouds and perfectly firm to support your shoulders, arms, and back to give you the requisite support for that all-night snooze-snuggle combination is what I will aim to identify on the day, I get to sleep on the job.

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