All time binge list!

What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

I don’t multi-task. I focus and complete tasks the old-fashioned way, one at a time. I hardly have time to figure out how to focus on two things at a time, it seems counter-productive and I prefer to focus and complete one task once, to the best of my ability. But I do listen to a program or movie while working. This is because I work alone and absolute silence is very distracting. Also, even the softest tap in complete silence gets my heart racing, you can imagine what happens when the bell rings! So I keep some sort of audio track working all the time. So the bell is not the loudest sound I hear while working.

I work with white noise, which is something interesting playing in the background, that does not necessarily disturb me while I work. I used to listen to the radio, but now that I’m not as into music as I used to be when I used to drive around, all new songs work as distractions rather than help me focus and that does not allow me to finish my work. If I’m focused on work, then nothing fazes me, but if I’m at that spot where I am mulling over something, then I need something of interest playing so I am partially paying attention to it. I have no clue how those folks who insist they can multitask finish their work, I’m barely making sense in my head when I try. But, to each his own!

There have also been times, with the kids at home when the silence remains deafening because they were busy with their stuff. It’s at times like this that I just tune into something I’ve already watched a million times so they are not tempted, and I don’t feel guilty. Ideally, when you ask me about a movie or TV series I have watched more than 5 times, I would recommend the kids answer this question, they are acutely aware of my default settings. But I’ve put down this list here and trust me when I say, I’ve watched them more than 5 times. I have a few subscription channels and I tune into these movies, then there are those, that I don’t mind watching, but have not found the series, because of location locks. I will list those down as well, and you can tell me if there is a workaround to be able to watch them as well.

My favourites of all time. These movies can play and I don’t have to focus on where it started or where I started watching, if I have work to do, and I just need some noise in the background, these movies work brilliantly.

Jurassic Park  – 6 movies

I’ve watched them individually, I’ve watched them one after the other in the order, I’ve watched them in bits and pieces. This is my all-time favourite series of movies ever. There are times when I’ve also tuned out of these movies because I could not watch it at that particular instance.

The Mummy – 3 movies (not the Tom Cruise one). I\ve watched these the same way I watch Jurassic Park. I love the movies, and they can be played at any time any place and you got me glued in.

The Meg – 2 movies I like watching these movies while working, keeps me on my toes every single time.

Lake Placid – 3 movies (can’t find it on any subscription) this, I agree is a really badly made series, but they really are gruesomely hilarious movies and they keep the gore level sufficiently up for me to be able to focus on my work.

Species – 3 movies (can’t find it on any subscription)

Resident Evil 4 Movies- I did not like the cast, but, its an ok series to keep me occupied while working.

Piranha (can’t find it on any subscription) – I find the cast wanting on many levels, but, the gore factor keeps me sufficiently distracted.

These are the movies I watch when I am thinking of scheduling my work. Usually, these movies get tuned in when I am in between tasks and have to find the enthusiasm to do the work.

Alien – 4 movies

Anaconda – 3 movies

King kong / Kong Skull Island/ King Kong (Jack Black)/ Godzilla vs Kong/Godzilla king of the monsters/ Godzilla

Deep Blue sea / Deep Blue sea 2/ Deep Blue Sea3

Rampage and San Andreaas

Venom – 2

These movies I’ve watched multiple times with family and kids and usually when a new MCU movie or DC movie gets released, we watch the entire series to get to the right place in our heads. Or on a weekend when we have a sudden change of plans and no one can decide what to do, we just end up chilling and re-watching one of these.  

Marvel Cinematic Universe

  • Spider man- 9 movies
  • Ant Man 1 & 2
  • Avengers 1&2
  • Black widow
  • Captain America
  • Captain Marvel
  • Avengers- Age of Ultron (Jack Spader’s voice keeps this movie interesting)
  • Shang Chi
  • Eternals
  • Thor 1 – 3


  • Zack Snyders Justice League (4 hours)
    • Wonder Woman
    • Suicide Squad 1 & 2
    • Shazam 1 & 2
    • Morbius
    • Man of Steel
    • Justice League
    • Black Adam
    • Birds of Prey
    • Aqua Man 1&2

Transformers –  5 movies

Despicable me – 2 movies

Die Hard – 5 movies

Fast and Furious – 10 movies

War of the planet of the Apes / Rise of the Planet of the Apes/

X Men – 8 movies

I usually start watching a series after a particularly large or intricate piece of work is completed and I need to start the next one, which will be equally exhausting. So I watch the first couple of episodes with attention, so I can identify the characters by their voice, and then these series end up being white noise in the background. So the longer the series, the larger the binge, the better for me, because it helps me focus on the tangles.

  • Blacklist ( I love Jack Spader’s voice and accent, its always fascinating to listen)
  • Boston Legal
  • Law and Order
  • 911
  • Suits
  • The 4400
  • The 100
  • Dexter
  • Lucifer
  • Supernatural
  • Lie to me
  • Numbers
  • Scorpion

You get the drift, right? If it’s a cop drama, emergency services drama, crime series, supernatural or occult series like something about vampires or covens, odds are I’ve already watched it at least twice. And usually, I just let it run in the background. Even in this list, I have super defaults, if I don’t want to have a conversation or interact, and not be disturbed, or even if I am in the conversation, but I want something interesting happening in the background so the silence does not seem rude, then I tune into the Jurassic park series or any of the shark/crocodile series. For me, these are the norms. Kids know that if I’m on any of these series, then it’s a normal day. If I’m on something I’ve never watched before and they’ve never seen, they know better than to disturb me. Because they get the same result when they go to watch a movie of their choice in the theatre. I will ask inane questions and make weird observations, so much so that it irks them. Ever since I started the WFH thing, these nonverbal cues help the family decide how to approach a conversation, and my playlist is crystal clear.

Snippets from my all time binge list.

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