27/02/24 Who will I be?

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why?

In the movie Sholay, there is a dialogue, where the mother whispers to her child, ‘Go to sleep, otherwise Gabbar will take you away.’ And this prompts the child to fall asleep immediately. As the kids grew, I always looked for the Gabbar that would induce them to sleep promptly. No such luck, the first one would talk non-stop till she fell asleep, like she would keep standing and then would fall down in the bed fast asleep. The second one wanted his chest to be rubbed till he slept, sometimes it was two seconds, sometimes, it could be two hours.

So I have always looked for that Gabbar growing up, it took me sometime, but I realised that to a lot of people I know, I am that Gabbar. Study properly, else you become her. Don’t let your kids hang out, she could influence them to talk back to her elders with disrespect. (This was because I told a relative to not speak about a person in-absentia as they are not around to defend themselves. It got them to stop, so I don’t see the cause for complaint.) I’ve even had situations where a friend has mentioned that they were hesitant to take the first step and introduce themselves as I looked unapproachable. They eventually overcame their hesitation to become an acquaintance- sure it’s got something to do with judging books by their covers and stuff on similar lines. And then when I had kids, and I met other kids in the elevator, the first reaction of the other kids was always to start bawling. Even when I smiled! Guess that’s just me. Gabbar for some. I love it.

But I’ve never held back, if I find something that’s not to my liking I just don’t do it. It’s simple. WYSIWYG. And this is true for me. I don’t see the point of trying to be diplomatic, because I know I am not. I would rather hurt you once, than have to try to figure out how to hurt you in tiny bite-sized bits. So, to answer today’s prompt, I would just be me. Honest. Not diplomatic. Funny. Terrifying for some. Gabbar to others. Unfiltered. Unapologetic. Crazy. Me! Because, I’ve finally let go of the hurt of the external perceptions, and realised what a blessing it is to be left alone. The DIY lifestyle is tough, but when you don’t have to care for what another person thinks of you for what you do, it takes the burden off a lot of decisions you take. It’s easiest to forgive yourself for mistakes you may make when there are no societal expectations. And it’s a relief. For the kids and the family. Expectations are low, so pressure is low. Life is actually a lot more enjoyable.

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