
If you could un-invent something, what would it be?

The light bulb, imagine not having light bulbs?

Nights would be darker. The moon is the only source of light at night and that would make everything a little more interesting.

Offices would close sooner. No late nights! No evening shows! Malls and shops close sooner! Vehicles wouldn’t work in the night – cos you can’t see without the sun! Kids go to bed sooner! Parents go to bed sooner- honestly, I am shuddering thinking about the population, but then, no late work-nights. And am almost tempted to snap my fingers and wish it to reality.

But, imagine having to do everything in the evening by the glow of the Tv or a device!! That’s going to make things a lot more worse. Let there be light! Or rather let there be lightbulbs! And let me think of something else I want to in-invent.

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