
Daily writing prompt
What snack would you eat right now?

Snacks! That’s the first question this morning, really?! I don’t relish thinking about what I like to munch on, when I should really be spending that time finishing my work. However, now that I am thinking about what I would like to munch on, and honestly ignoring the obvious psychological implications and nutritional cravings my choice may imply, I would love a double chocolate tim tam, just about now, followed by the lotus biscotti krispy kreme donut and my mom’s mysore pak and definitely a couple of spoons of a salt corn mixture or madras mixture to neutralize the sweets. And all of this at one shot, in one plate is also just fine by me.

Snacks for me depend on my plans for the day, if I have to step out, then fruits and cucumbers work, if I am going to be at home with access to a couch or the bed, sweets will also work. I don’t enjoy the sugar rush and slump when I have a day out and about.

As is obvious with my choice, I have a sweet tooth. I’ve been up really early today and am fighting a catnap, so my go-to snacks are sweets that will keep me up for a bit longer. Usually, if everything is as per plan and I have had access to proper meals, I usually prefer to munch on anything, that’s not refrigerated and cold. Room temperature cucumber slices, or tomato slices, apples, oranges satisfy my cravings. Back home, a piece of my mom’s mysore pak, and raisins also work. Dates stuffed with orange peels is also something that’s interesting.

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