
Daily writing prompt
What is your mission?

My mission is to create a village of like-minded nomads who are willing to help and pass it forward. I have a few experiences that have taught me interesting lessons, and there is more I am learning either directly as a consequence of something I’ve done, or indirectly from watching and observing others. In all the lessons the biggest one has always been that of passing it forward. Not everyone can afford to pay-back, and sometimes you just want help – ‘no strings attached’.

Raising kids, raising dogs, whelping, feeding, house-sitting, pet sitting, goof ups, errors in judgement, interacting with elders, what do you miss most as a parent in terms of support from the village you were a part of, traveling with kids, traveling with parents, traveling with extended family, memories, what do you miss the most about a person you lost recently, illness, getting back to nature, how to use traditional recommendations in modern living – are things I’m willing to discuss and share because I am aware, that when I was/am going through these experiences, I was/am also looking for help, for a way to be able to cope, to understand and rationalize to handle better. And in this discovery, I realized that sometimes, I was unable to pay-back the person that helped or supported me. I started sharing these lessons, to see if I could support another person with absolutely no expectation which I try to do. The aim is to build a village of like-minded nomads, who can pass the message forward to help another stranded traveller. With no expectations.

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