
Daily writing prompt
What could you do differently?

I would ‘let-go’ more often. Everything. The material and relationships, I would give everyone the freedom to do as they pleased. I do it now and I have realized that sometimes, all someone wants is the freedom to make mistakes at their own pace to realize from it. And to be honest, I am insignificant in their life to have held that power on them to influence their decisions. I would only attribute this trait to the arrogance of youth and today, I think as a slightly older/wiser/mature individual myself, I understand that urge to correct and rein it in. Live and let live, is what I have started to gravitate towards. No one has the power and or should have that power over another person. Its terrible if another individual gives you that power, its worse, when you know its wrong and you still wield it.

So, differently would definitely be live and let live. 80% and sometimes right up to 95% of the time. The last 5% can definitely be attributed to insanity or senility. 🙂

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