
Daily writing prompt
What are your biggest challenges?

Procrastination, prioritization, time management.

Procrastination. When I think about it, these three are interrelated and top the list. I really need to just sit down and do what I need to do, but I end up pushing things I want to focus on, almost to the end of the day, by which time, I don’t have enough hours to complete it. Case in point, is, yesterday’s prompt, which I completely missed. This year, I have decided to change a few things, and I know what my fault is, hence listing it out here, so I can make those changes.

Prioritization. I do make a list of things to do the previous evening, and some of the tasks, get modified at the last minute by having others getting involved. Focus more on just completing tasks as listed and not get distracted. This one, I have done many a time and this ensures I complete everything on my list. So, now, it’s just about getting it on the list and knocking it off.

Time management. This usually works really well with the above two. When I manage this, I seem to get a lot more done in any day, but it exhausts me like nothing else does. Usually, I end up taking a break and sometimes, never get off the break. So, this year’s focus is on reducing these ‘extended lunch/break’ hours.

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