Daily Prompts

Daily writing prompt
What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

The greatest gift someone could give me is their complete attention. This requires them to stop what they are doing and focus on what I am doing, or saying. In today’s ‘Insta-World’ no one seems to be able to tear their eyes or attention from their devices or thoughts for enough time to be able to focus on anything that does not provide ‘insta-gratification’. The other gift that follows their complete attention, is TIME, the moment someone lifts their eyes and focuses them on me, to give me the attention I am asking of them, it automatically gives me time, in their busy schedules, something that is not going to be ever replaced. And in my humble opinion, this is the only gift of any value anyone can really give me. Time – to converse, to engage, to waste, to do with as I please. And in return, I hope to be able to reciprocate the same to them.

1 comment

  1. You’re so right, Pratignya. We are so focused on our phones and what’s on our screens that we aren’t fully present when we’re around our family and friends any more. Time and attention are so precious and it’s wonderful when someone values us enough to give us both xx

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